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[REPORT À 2025] Feminist judgements: rewriting judicial decisions in the context of health and medicine from a feminist perspective (Program SMS, cycle 'Gender, Health and Law' 1/3)


19 décembre 2024

Lang EN Workshop language is English

Prof. Sandra Hotz, UNINE

Prof. Mélanie Lévy, UNINE

Alice Bryk, UNINE


Prof. Sandra Hotz

Prof. Melanie Levy

Prof. Nesa Zimmermann


Organized by the Institute of Health Law at the University of Neuchâtel, the program aims to broaden the methodological skills of doctoral students (mainly in law, and others fields such as natural and social sciences) who participate in it and integrate an interdisciplinary and interprofessional perspective on "Health, Medicine and Society" to understand contemporary health problems and challenges.

The program's objective is to introduce participants to different legal theories and extralegal tools, methods and theories of the social sciences and humanities. The theme chosen for the 2024/2025 academic year is Gender, Health and Law.

The interdisciplinary emphasis is the signature strength of the program and constitutes an original and unique offer. The program is designed to train participants to diversify their research focuses and skills and realize original contributions in their disciplinary fields as well as in the broad area of public health and medicine.

The first seminar on December 19 will provide an introduction to feminist reinterpretations of judicial decisions and explore their significance in the context of health and medicine. Following the introduction, participants will engage in rewriting judicial decisions from a feminist perspective, specifically within the health and medicine fields. The seminar will be led by the program's co-directors, Professors Mélanie Levy and Sandra Hotz.



8:15 – 8 :30 : Welcome and introduction (Prof. Sandra Hotz and Prof. Melanie Levy)


8:30 – 9:15 : Feminist rewriting of judicial decisions: general introduction (Prof. Nesa Zimmermann)


9:15 – 10:00 : Feminist rewriting of judicial decisions: relevance in the health and medicine context (Prof. Sandra Hotz and Prof. Melanie Levy)


10:00 – 10:30 : Coffee Break


10:30– 12:30 : Group work: initial discussion and design of writing plan for two or three key judicial precedents in the context of health and medicine (e.g., the Yasmin contraceptive pill case)


12:30 – 14:00 : Lunch


N.B. : the CUSO will reimburse the cost for one night's accommodation (up to CHF 100, including breakfast and tax) for doctoral students living at more than one hour away from the place of the conference. 


UNINE, salle B29 bât. Av. du Premier-Mars 26, 2000 Neuchâtel



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